Crystal grid Therapy
Crystal therapy, or crystal healing, has been used by ancient healers for centuries to heal and bring balance to the body. Today, this complimentary therapy is gaining popularity and crystals are being used to help dis-ease in mind, body and spirit.
The first step is to find out what is going on right now, discover what your obstacles or challenges might be, and choose a course of action that allows your life to be what you want it to be in all aspects.
Shamanic Reiki combines two ancient healing traditions by integrating simple, yet powerful, techniques that bring in universal life force energy and enhance our personal healing journey. Find relief for depression, anxiety, stress, trauma, and grief, and renew joy and vitality for living.
By tapping into your inward spirit you can discover deep and personal healing on all levels, restoring harmony, balance, and a greater sense of well-being.
Go within and explore your true nature, your seeded desires and the essence that is YOU. Develop your spiritual connection and unconditional love of self.
Find Your Path
Obstacles do not block the path, they are the path
~Zen Proverb